First Sentence Friday!


In the end, it hadn’t mattered who would have believed me about Uncle Ray, because afterward, no one would forget.

I’m going to let that stand as it is.  No commentary.

It’s hard to believe there are only two more First Sentence Fridays left, which means there are just under two weeks before the release of this book!  Since it first sold in April of 2015 until now, I’ve learned a lot about all of the work that goes into creating the end product you, dear readers, will hold in your hands.  She’s almost here!

the education of dixie dupree  ***I’m using #FirstSentenceFridays on Twitter and tagging @Kensington Publishing Corporation.  Follow along and tweet out/share if you’d like!***


That is a powerful sentence. Well done!

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And it’s been a little over a year since you told Janet and me about it at Bouchercon. Time has flown, and I’m anxiously awaiting the 25th–house closing and DIXIE DUPREE on the same day!! 🙂

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Love that sentence. The play between “remember” and “forget.” And even more with “In the end” and “afterward.” That would have been used as an example in Barbara Baig’s Spellbinding Sentences if it had been out in time!

I haven’t gotten a notice yet, but I ordered from a small bookstore next town over and I imagine they’ll just tell me next time I walk in.

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    Oooh, I’ll take that! What a nice compliment! I’m glad you ordered from a small bookstore! Gotta support the indies. I keep looking at the calendar and wondering where the last 19 months went….(freaking out about the book, is where.)

    Liked by 1 person

What a powerful sentence, Donna! And I also just got my notice from Amazon about my pre-order! It’s really really happening, my dear… ❤ ❤ ❤

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I just got my notice from Amazon about my pre-order! I’m looking forward to reading Dixie!

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